Women in Science, Women in Seed
On March 8th, International Women’s Day, we wrap up a highly successful and vibrant #WomeninScience #WomeninSeed campaign.
We kicked off the campaign on February 11th, International Day for Women and Girls in Science, and since then we have featured in total 52 individuals who are shaping the future of agriculture and food in different corners of the world — in Asia Pacific, the Americas, Europe, and Africa — through science and innovation.
The seed sector is home to many outstanding female researchers, plant breeders, pathologists, seed technology experts, agronomists, etc — and for the last five weeks, we had the honor to share with our audiences the different ways in which these women are contributing their knowledge, expertise, and unique experiences in driving positive impact in the seed sector and beyond.
Here, we would like to share their words of encouragement to other women in the field: to persevere, to create, to pursue passions. If you ever feel the need for inspiration, read on!
On contributing to society
“Women belong in agriculture and science. If we are to meet the challenges of feeding the world while taking care of our planet, it will take all of us.” — Shannon Hauf, Senior Vice President, Head of Seed Production Innovation, Bayer Crop Science (St. Louis, Missouri, USA)
“Women are a valuable resource for achieving a sustainable society. The population of women having careers in science and many different developmental areas is bringing many changes in the ways communities are evolving. Now is the time to support these women to build new milestones in shaping a more sustainable society. So, they are paving the way for young women to take the lead in these activities. Irrespective of gender and age, sustainable communities with a high impact on humans are much needed. Working in agricultural research, I feel proud to be part of such an energetic and growing environment.” — Leelambika M, Senior Specialist Molecular Breeding, BASF Vegetable Seeds (Doddaballapur, India)
“Desde el año 2019, dentro del Departamento de Investigación y Desarrollom yo colaboro con la producción y el cuidado de la pureza genética de líneas parentales de semillas de zanahoria, bunching onion y brócoli. También participo en el desarrollo de nuevas líneas parentales con foco en la resistencia de los cultivos a hongos, bacterias, plagas y atributos de calidad de estas. Por otro lado, contribuyo con el escalamiento pre-comercial de nuevas variedades de zanahoria y brócoli. Lo anterior, teniendo en cuenta la sustentabilidad, a través de alternativas de manejo que sean amigables con el medio ambiente.” — Mariangel Torrealba, Especialista de Investigación y Desarrollo Semillas, Sumitomo Chemical (Chile)
“Science is the key to changing the world and improving the quality of life for all.” — Dr. Papassorn Watanakulpakin, Agricultural Officer and Head of ISTA — International Seed Testing Association Accredited Seed Testing Laboratory (Bangkok, Thailand)
“Soy parte de una empresa familiar dedicada al fitomejoramiento y producción de semilla de contra estación. También soy agricultora y productora de diferentes variedades de Quinoa. Me enfoco en el desarrollo de nuevas variedades que aportan significativamente a la agricultura chilena e internacional, siempre fomentando la inclusión femenina en su grupo de trabajo, destacando el aporte del género femenino en trabajos tan meticuloso como los cruzamientos y observación en las etapas del fitomejoramiento. -Ingrid von Baer, Gerente General y fitimejoradora en quinoa y avena, Campex Baer, (Temuco, Chile) via ANPROS
“Plant breeding pursues a future where agriculture is part of the solution for food security and ecological health. We must advocate for the advancement of women across all disciplines so that all our best minds may solve these challenges. — Susan Latshaw, Hybrid Male Line Wheat Breeder, BASF (Beaver Crossing, Nebraska, USA) via ASTA
“La semilla es la forma más potente de vida y la base en la producción de alimentos. Aplicar ciencia e innovación en la industria semillera es apasionante y necesario para producir más y mejores alimentos. Hace 15 años que me desempeño en este ámbito y me complace ver como la mujer va ganando protagonismo y liderazgo. Nuestra visión suma mucho valor a una tarea de tanto impacto, contribuye a la construcción de un mundo mejor.” -Natalia Fernandez Eraso, Molecular Biologist (FCEyN- UBA) and Regulatory Sciences Conosur Head-R&D, Bayer Crop Sciences (Argentina)
“My role is to provide technical support to ANPROS´members, in phytosanitary aspects, isolations, regulations, etc., and to be the link with the NPPO in these and other matters. In a way, I feel that this is my small contribution to the world’s food security because seeds are the basis of food, and it is very gratifying to be part of that cycle.” -Maricela Canto, Agronomist from the Universidad Mayor and Technical Manager of the Chilean Seed Association ANPROS
“Healthy land, healthy seeds, healthy environment. Protect the health of plants to protect people and the planet.” -Ms. Huilan Han, Technical Director of Beijing LNKD Agricultural Science Research Institute (China)
Limitless opportunities
“The world of science in agriculture is endless for women, from research and breeding to trialing, testing, and finding innovations to change our future with plants, animals, or equipment.” — Crystal Fricker, President, Pure Seed and Pure-Seed Testing (Oregon, USA) via ASTA
“Women have the skills that plant breeding needs — art and science. The essential ingredients of sensibility, determination, resourcefulness, and creativity. There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish to create new varieties to serve farmers for a better quality of life.” — Lamai Yapanan, Senior plant breeder: Leafy Vegetables and Specialty Crop, East-West Seed (Chang Mai, Thailand)
“Con 10 años de trabajo en Curimapu he realizado diferentes funciones dentro de la empresa, las que me han entregado un gran aprendizaje y en las cuales me he podido desarrollar tanto profesional como personalmente. El desenvolverme en la industria semillera, ha permitido que pueda potenciar la investigación y gestión dentro de mis objetivos, teniendo como base que la ciencia forma parte del avance de la humanidad. Por eso prefiere carreras enfocadas al desarrollo científico, ya que esta en tus manos ser parte activa de un importante proceso de crecimiento.” — Verónica Guíñez Gutiérrez — Agrónomo, Encargada de Laboratorio y Gestión de Calidad, Curimapu Producción y Exportación Ltda. (Chile) via ANPROS
“Science is a leap into the unknown. All you need is curiosity, creativity, passion, and perseverance.” — Khaoula Belhaj-Fragnière, Regulatory Affairs Manager, ISF
« Chaque femme possède en elle la capacité de réussir dans le domaine de son choix. J’ai choisi un parcours scientifique car c’est un milieu très diversifié… Sans requérir de longues années d’études, il est accessible même en filières courtes. Le domaine scientifique est vaste, et pour ma part, c’est aussi une façon d’observer le vivant sous un autre angle surtout dans le secteur de la semence. » — Marlène Durand, Analyste Laboratoire, TOP Semence (La Bâtie-Rolland, France) via UFS
“Women and Girls in Science Day” is a good time to recognize the progress we have made so far toward creating equal opportunities and how women thrive on contributing to important sustainable development goals and innovation. Kudos to successful women in science who are on top of their field despite all the challenges. Also, a good time to acknowledge we still have a long way to go, but there is nothing we cannot achieve! — Mona Mazaheri, Lead of Molecular Breeding Americas, BASF (Davis, USA) via ASTA
“Desde el 2020 formo parte al equipo de Laboratorio de Calidad de Semilla para liderar en la supervisión, seguimiento y gestión del cumplimiento de los altos estándares de calidad exigidos actualmente, así como el aseguramiento de los procesos que llevan al análisis de los resultados realizados a la semilla, garantizando el cumplimiento de las normas y lineamientos propios del Laboratorio y de la Organización. Además, formo parte del equipo de Gestión de la Calidad apoyando y gestionando la implementación y mantenimiento de la norma ISO 9001 en la unidad de Semillas, reportando los resultados al equipo directivo de la Organización.” -María Paz Quezada Vilches, Analista de Semillas y Calidad, Sumitomo Chemical (Chile) via ANPROS
“The best office is where the seeds are planted, and the crops grow. Being part of these amazing events is outstanding. There is a whole world of opportunities out there to be part of it. They are waiting for you.” — Sandra Alarcón, Commercial Manager at Pinto Piga Seeds (Santiago, Chile) via ANPROS
« Si tu affectionnes le domaine de la biologie végétale et de la production de semences; et que tu cherches un métier qui permet sans cesse de te renouveler professionnellement, alors : rejoins-nous ! » — Marlène Lacoste, Ingénieur production semences de bases colza, Bayer Crop Science (Peyrehorade, France) via UFS
“Science has, in the past, been perceived as a male-dominated field. But women can major in agricultural science courses, pursuing scientific careers that cement our participation in global food security with agriculture as the key driver.” — Maureen Namusonge, Breeding Trials Specialist, Africa and Middle East, Syngenta (Nairobi, Kenya)
“Soy parte del equipo de Sumitomo Chemical, colaborando en la Coordinación y organización de los procesos productivos, gestionando las áreas de adquisiciones, remuneraciones, presupuesto y pago de servicios de multiplicación (Agricultores). Además, como Contraparte profesional del SAG, participo en funciones generales tales como control de procedimientos documentales y presenciales de este mismo organismo.”-Brenda Elizabeth Lira Sanchez, Coordinadora de Producción y Administración, Sumitomo Chemical (Chile)
“Gender does not define who you are at work but dedication speaks for itself regardless of gender.” -Hatthaya Arunothayanan, Molecular Genetics Manager and Head of Molecular Plant Pathology, East-West Seed (Chiang Mai, Thailand)
“C’est possible ! C’est possible d’aller jusqu’au bout de ses idées, de ses aspirations et projets ! — Angéline Bellouard, Sélectionneuse laitue, Rijk Zwaan (Aramon, France)
Learning and staying curious
“Science is like doing an Unlock game. You need to answer a series of questions that ultimately has a positive impact on the world. My world is agriculture, and I am proud to contribute to it.” — Bénédicte Lebas, Technical Lead of the Regulated Pest List Initiative at ISF (Nyon, Switzerland)
“The most valuable piece of advice I can give a young woman who is pursuing a career in science is to put yourself in situations where you are learning something outside of your expertise area. Network, interact, exchange ideas, ask questions, and take chances. Opportunities are out there, but you must take a proactive approach in finding them. ” — Sarah Wilbanks, CEO, Association of Official Seed Certifying Agencies (Clayton, Georgia, USA)
“In my career, curiosity, and the willingness to contribute are key in not only developing myself but in opening doors for transformational journeys. Even in scientific careers, balancing hard and soft skills is essential to discovering new paths and opportunities.” — Narjara Cantelmo, Head of Latin America Applied Genetics & Data Sciences, Syngenta (Uberlândia, Brazil)
“La science est un domaine où, en tant que Femme, vous aurez au quotidien des opportunités de compléter vos connaissances. Écoutez et respectez vos pairs, ensemble vous contribuerez à développer des idées et des innovations pour l’avenir. Mon état d’esprit dans la vie : ne pas renoncer face aux défis car ils sont sources de développement et ouvrent de nouvelles perspectives !” -Clémence Paris, Responsable du programme d’introduction des nouveaux caractères pour le tournesol, Syngenta (Toulouse, France)
“Con 15 años en Anasac Chile, lo más gratificante es haber ayudado y compartido experiencia con un montón de agricultores, tanto en el mundo de las hortalizas de industria como mercado fresco. La transferencia técnica y el desarrollo de nuevas variedades, a lo largo y ancho de nuestro hermoso país, ha sido realmente mi motor para continuar aportando al progreso de nuestros agricultores. De esta manera, he tratado de dejar huella en este camino, que espero seguir trazando por muchos años más.” — Alejandra Encina Irarrazaba, Supervisor Técnico Comercial de Semillas Hortalizas zona sur de Chile, Anasac (Chile) via ANPROS
“Find your area of passion and push the boundaries of human knowledge there. With each new learning, the world is changed.” -Laura Grapes, Head of EMEA Vegetables Breeding & Testing, Bayer Crop Science (Bergschenhoek, Netherlands)
“Mi trabajo consiste en desarrollar mejores variedades de cebada, adaptadas a las necesidades de los productores y de la industria. Ser mejoradora de cultivos es emocionante en todos los sentidos. Es necesario siempre estar actualizar y aplicar tecnología de punta para lograr mejores resultados. Además, es muy motivador y reconfortante saber que todo tu esfuerzo y dedicación está destinada a generar nuevas variedades que pueden significar la diferencia para miles de productores.” - Silvina Baraibar, Mejoradora de Cebada, INIA Uruguay via UROPOV
“Being a scientist is both thrilling and rewarding. You never stop being curious, knowing that any great discovery may change the lives of many.” -Cherry R. Belagantol, Group Head — Plant Pathology, East-West Seed (Bulacan, Philippines)
“Por mi formación profesional y vocacional, siempre me gustó la investigación, buscar nuevos desafíos y metas. Trabajar en mejoramiento genético de cebada cervecera es un proceso largo que demanda mucha organización, paciencia y detalle. A la vez es una actividad muy dinámica, reconfortante y desafiante. Es importante fomentar la especialización y el rol de las mujeres en este tipo de disciplinas, en donde podemos demostrar nuestras fortalezas y hacer valorar nuestras capacidades.” -Maria Fernanda Pardo, Jefe de Investigación y Desarrollo, Maltéria Oriental (Uruguay)
“We need plant breeders in love with science from their first steps in primary school. To encourage these scientific vocations, I write biotechnology and breeding stories for children.” -Fabiana Malacarne, Corn Breeder, Asociación Semilleros Argentinos-ASA (Argentina)
Persevering in the face of challenges
“Never allow someone to diminish your passion for science or be scared to pursue your dreams, always have faith in oneself. Accepting challenges as chances to develop and learn can help you succeed and overcome any difficulty if you have the desire to learn.” — Bertha Joachim Bagenyi, Selector African Hot Pepper, Rijk Zwaan (Arusha, Tanzania)
“No human can repel a firm hope.” — Xiaobo Zhu, General Manager, Wuhan Qingfa-hesheng Seed Co.,Ltd. She is also a member of the Executive Committee of The Asia and Pacific Seed Alliance (Wuhan, China)
“We cannot hope to utilize science to improve our planet without utilizing the ideas of the women who live on it. — Taylor Sawyer, Undergraduate Student, University of Florida (Gainesville, Florida, USA) via CropLife International
“Rien ne peut vous arrêter, croyez en vous!” — Noémie Becu, Assistante en marquage moléculaire, Florimond Desprez (Cappelle-en-Pévèle, France) via UFS
“Try not to become a woman of success but rather try to become a woman of value.” -Ding Haifeng, Seed R&D Manager Jingyan Yinong(Beijing)Seed Sci-Tech Co., Ltd. & Professor at Beijing Vegetable Research Center (Beijing, China)
“Don’t let anyone make you think that you cannot thrive in science and rob you of your imagination, creativity, and self-confidence. Women! Never forget that you have the power to achieve everything you want to do! — Pamela Karrel Afokpe, Associate breeder, East-West Seed; and Vice Secretary of the National Chapter Benin Women For Science (Moshi, Benin)
“Find people who believe in you. They will give you the strength to pursue your passion.” — Nichole Di Santo Nichole Dee, Maintenance Breeder, BASF Vegetable Seeds (Saskatoon, Canada)
“I’d like to quote Barbara McClintock, Scientist & Cytogeneticist: ‘if you know you are on the right track, if you have this inner knowledge, then nobody can turn you off… no matter what they say’.” — Dr. Rima Thapa, Senior Winter Wheat Breeder, BASF (Lincoln, Nebraska, USA)
“Set your goals high and don’t stop until you reach them — determination is the key to success” — Justyna Graver, Scientist, Germains Seed Technology (Kings Lynn, United Kingdom) via ASTA
“Go for your dream! Don’t try to fulfill others’ expectations or listen to people who comment that science is not for you, especially “as a girl.” Push back on pre-judgment. Find what makes you unique or makes your difference a strength to reach your goal. Create your own destiny! — Rachel Rama, SVP and Head of Small Molecules R&D, Crop Science Division, Bayer (Lyon, France)
“Never be afraid to pursue your dreams, especially if they seem impossible.” — Kayla Bond, Assistant Wheat Breeder, BASF (Beaver Crossing, Nebraska, USA)
“With passion and resilience, women can make sciences flourish!” — Yochun Li, Scientist, Germains Seed Technology (Gilroy, California, USA)
Joy and fulfillment in one’s profession
“For generations, our passion has been the improvement of oilseed rape and pulses for sustainable agriculture. As a family enterprise, we appreciate the high expertise and precious motivation of our team and want to encourage all women to get involved in this exciting professional career. Plant breeding offers great perspectives for all plant enthusiasts and those who want to become one.” — Dr. Gunhild Leckband, Chief Plant Breeder of NPZ KG, (Holtsee, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany) via BDP
“Plant breeding allows me to combine the best aspects of working in the office, laboratory, and in nature. It is exciting to improve the characteristics of plants and varieties actively and, with that, raise their potential for sustainable agriculture. Everybody who wants to have a positive impact on society has the best perspectives within the plant breeding sector.” — Melanie Clasen, Professional bachelor (Meister) in plant technology (Ebstorf, Lower Saxony, Germany) via BDP
« Les sciences du vivant sont sources de métiers passionnants. En sélection végétale, les femmes accèdent maintenant à tous les types de postes. Alors si c’est votre envie, ne laissez personne vous décourager, gardez le cap et poursuivez vos rêves avec confiance ! » — Valérie Renault, Responsable de laboratoire Culture in Vitro, RAGT (Annoeullin, France) via UFS
“To be part of the EWS-Knowledge Transfer technical team for almost 18 years brings joy and fulfillment to my passion for training & community development. There is no greater satisfaction than seeing your hard work having such a positive impact on farmers’ lives.” — Lysette Lacambra, Technical Support Hub Manager, East-West Seed (Nonthaburi, Thailand)
ISF wishes to thank the great diversity of seed associations, companies and research organizations who contributed the stories and profiles of these amazing Women in Science, Women in Seed:
· American Seed Trade Association (ASTA)
· Asia & Pacific Seed Association (APSA)
· Asociación Nacional de Productores de Semillas (ANPROS Chile)
· Asociacion Semilleros Argentinos (ASA)
· Association of Official Seed Certifying Agencies
· BDP — German Plant Breeders Association
· Beijing LNKD Agricultural Science Research Institute
· Beijing Vegetable Research Center
· Curimapu
· Norddeutsche Pflanzenzucht Hans-Georg Lembke (NPZ KG)
· Pure Seed and Pure Seed Testing
· Seed Association of the Americas
· Union Française des Semenciers (UFS)
· Wuhan Qingfa-Hesheng Seed